Menopause & Menstruation With Ease

During my teen years I suffered with the most horrific and debilitating menstrual issues that would send me to bed for 3 days of being non-functional. For years I didn't think life was possible without Midol and then Midol stopped working.

Heading into my last year University I thought I needed to find another solution so I tried the pill. It was not the solution for me. It really wreaked havoc on my body and personality. So, after a few months I stopped that.

I actually dreaded the idea that I would job and not be able to function because my periods were so bad. I had already projected myself into a future that was going to be full of pain and anguish.

One day, out of the blue, my mom called and said, "You have to go see this lady". I had been doing energy workd for several years at this point so my first thougth was, "yeah, whatever, another thing that won't work". But then, it did! After my first session I actually had relief for the first time in years. That relief lasted a long time as I had the inkling to change my diet and lifestyle after that.

Guess what, I dropped off the lifestyle changes for a while and sutff came back. What a great remidner to keep on track. So this club is just that, it is here to get you on track or back on track.

Watching My Mom's Magical Menopause

There one day and gone the next. Yes, it was literally like that!

I was living with my mom when I had my child and my mom was going through menopause. You wouldn't know it as she had more energy than anyone else around.

All those rumors you hear about people gaining weight, losing memory, having pain and being an ass, those were just not showing up.

How did she do it? We will find out her secrets in this club.

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